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Radical Roots is currently not accepting labor support (doula) or private midwifery clients at this time. Available services are listed below. Contact directly to book Overnight Newborn Care, or Go to Boutique for all other booking.
Childbirth Education 101 Class
Whether this is your first pregnancy or you are a repeat parent - this class is designed to provide thorough information about options for maternal healthcare services in the USA & provide a foundation of knowledge to build confidence, promote autonomy & preparedness.
This is a a 12-hour class offered in 4 three-hour sessions, with a focus on empowering families with information needed to make autonomous healthcare decisions & be prepared for childbirth. Classes can be taken all together in a sequence or a la carte for those who are looking for focused review. ​

Newborn Care & Breastfeeding Basics Class
A 3-hour class that is perfect for new or repeat parents as well as partners, siblings & other support people. Provides instruction on breastfeeding initiation & maintenance & the basics of newborn care in the first 6 weeks. Offers the opportunity to practice newborn care & soothing techniques as well as breastfeeding positions & use of breastfeeding supplies .

Postpartum Belly Binding

Belly Binding is a traditional practice that can be found in many cultures around the world. Specifically, this session proudly offers the Bengkung binding style of the Malay tradition. Ideal for new & experienced parents, whether the birth was vaginal or by cesarean. Binding offers the following postpartum recovery benefits: womb repositioning & support, bladder & pelvic floor support, prolapse prevention, hips & ribcage reshaping, core support & improvement of posture, confidence boost & improve mood. Offered in a 3-hour session.
Overnight Newborn Care

Historically, having a baby has never been an event endured alone. Postpartum birthing people & their partners have received persistent support throughout the postpartum recovery period. But with the impact of western/colonial culture, more parents are going it alone. Overnight Newborn Care is helpful for new or seasoned parents who need extra rest through the night while care is provided for their singleton or twin newborns. Additionally, breastfeeding support, newborn care education or guidance, or just a helping hand or listening ear is offered as needed. 8-hour sessions only.
Community Midwifery Care
Heather Walker is currently only providing primary community midwifery care as part of the midwifery team at BirthCare & Women's Health in Alexandria, VA.
If you are interested in receiving midwifery care & planning a Birth Center or Home birth with the BirthCare Midwifery Practice please register for a BirthCare Beginnings Free Information Session to learn more about the practice & services.

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